UGC Enlisted CPE (College with Potential For Excellence) NAAC Accredited B+
Regarding Linking of Aadhar for Scholarship Session 2023-24
Regarding Scholarship Academic Session 2024-25
NSP-Defective Scholarship Applications List(Renewal) Session 2024-25
NSP-Defective Scholarship Applications List(Fresh) Session 2024-25
Selection Trials for Himachal Pradesh University Women\'s Cricket Team (2024-25)
MA/MCom 2nd & 4th semester admission notice for session 2024-25
Coaching Camp for North Zone Inter-University Handball (Men) Championship 2024-25
Coaching Camp for North Zone Inter-University Football (Men) Championship
Proforma BBA/BCA Admission Fee Certificate
Proforma BA/BCom/BSc Admission Fee Certificate
Notice for Final Trial Selection of College Men\'s Football Team for HPU Inter College Championship
Final Trial for Selection of College Men\'s Cricket Team for HPU Inter-College Championship 2024
Students Struck Off List-5 Academic Session 2024-25
Notice Regarding Post Matric SC Scholarship Session 2023-24
Regarding Filliing of Fee Concession Form for IRDP/BPL Students
Students Struck Off List-4 Academic Session 2024-25
Students Struck Off List-3 Academic Session 2024-25
Regarding extension in UG admissions till 12.09.2024
Regarding Extension in Admissions till 31-08-2024 for session 2024-25
(Revised) MA English Time Table Session 2024-25
Extension for BA/BCom/BSc Classes Admissions till 14-08-2024 Academic Session 2024-25
(Revised) 2nd Merit List of M.A. Pol. Science -1st Sem for the session 2024-25
2nd Merit List of M.A. English -1st Sem for the session 2024-25
Regarding PTA General Election Session 2024-25
BCom & M.Com Classes Time Table Session 2024-25
Admission Notice for NCC Unit (Only for girls)
Subject Change Notice Academic Session 2024-25
MA English-1st Semester 1st Merit List Academic Session 2024-25
MCom- 1st Semester Merit List Academic Session 2024-25
MA Pol. Science-1st Semester Merit List Academic Session 2024-25
MA Economics 1st Semester Merit List Academic Session 2024-25
Revised BCom Time Table Session 2024-25
Extension for BA/BCom/BSc Classes Admissions Academic Session 2024-25
BSc Time Table Session 2024-25
BCom Time Table Session 2024-25
Regarding Filling of BCA-1st Semester Vacant Seats Academic Session 2024-25
2nd Merit List BCom -1st Year Academic Session 2024-25
2nd Merit List BBA -1st Sem. Academic Session 2024-25
2nd Merit List BCA -1st Sem. Academic Session 2024-25
MA/MCom -3rd Semester Admissions for Academic Session 2024-25
MA/MCom -1st Semester Admissions for Academic Session 2024-25
Merit list(Updated) of BBA for 2024-25
Merit list(Updated) of BCA for 2024-25
Scholarship Notice for Academic Session 2024-25
BCom-1st Year Merit List Academic Session 2024-25
Time Table MA Economics 2nd & 4th Semester Session 2023-24
MA/MCom 2nd & 4th semester admission notice for session 2023-24
MA/MCom 2nd & 4th semester admission notice for session 2023-24
For Scholarship Session 2022-23 - List of students whom Aadhar no. not linked with bank account no
SJVN Scholarship Scheme 2023-24
Scholarship Forms/Applications checking committee Session 2023-24
First Struck off lists (Roll no. wise) of BA/BCom/BSc -1st/2nd & 3rd year Session 2023-24
Scholarship Merit List Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chhatrvritti Yojna 2023-24
Scholarship Merit List Kalpana Chawla Chhatravritti Yojna 2023-24
NCC Enrollment SD/SW Session 2023-24
Regarding extension to UG admissions session 2023-24
Scholarship Academic Session 2023-24
Notice for RME Registration ( for UG 1st Year/1st Semester and PG 1st Semester)
National Graduate Physics Examination(NGPE-2024)
Time table of BCom 1st/2nd/ 3rd year and MCom 1st/3rd semester for session 2023-24
Time table for MA Pol. Science 1st & 3rd semester for session 2023-24
Regarding MA/MCom-3rd semester admissions for session 2023-24
Regarding submission of fee concession form(GIA) for IRDP/BPL students for session 2023-24
Time Table M.A. Economics 1st &3rd Semester for the Session 2023-24
Struck off Roll Numbers list of BSc 2nd year session 2023-24
Regarding extension in UG classes admissions till 30.08.2023
Struck off list of BSc-2nd year session 2023-24
Struck off Roll No. list of B.Sc. 1st Year (Section B and Section C)
Last opportunity to subject change for session 2023-24
Second Merit List of MA 1st Semester Political Science for the Session 2023-24
NAAC Committees Revised 2023-24
2nd Merit List of MCom-1st Semester session 2023-24
Interview and PFT of 1 HP Girls Bn Solan
MA Pol. Science -1st sem Merit List for session 2023-24
First Merit List M.Com. 1st Semester for the session 2023-24
MA english merit list for 1st semester admissions for the session 2023-24
Revised Time Table (ARTS) for the Session 2023-24
Merit List MA Economics 1st Semester for the session 2023-24
Regarding extension in UG classes admissions till 20.08.2023
Regarding NCC written examination (for girls students)
4th & Final BCom-1st merit list session 2023-24
Regarding enrrollment for NCC Army Wing
Regarding Online Foundation Course in Mathematics
Regarding MA Eng/Pol. Science/Economics & MCom -1st semester admissions for academic session 2023-24
Regarding PGDCA admissions for session 2023-24
Regarding subject change session 2023-24
Regarding award for best song on Road Safety in Hindi, English, Pahadi
Regarding extension in admissions for session 2023-24
3rd Merit list BCom-1st year session 2023-24
2nd Merit List BCom-1st year session 2022-23
Regarding extension in UG classes admissions session 2023-24
Time Table B.A, B.Sc & B.Com for the Session 2023-24
1st Merit List BCom-1st year session 2023-24
Regarding BCom-1st year admissions for session 2023-24
Regarding extension in admission time session 2023-24
2nd Merit List of BCA-1st Semester for session 2023-24
2nd Merit List of BBA-1st Semester for session 2023-24
Last date for BBA and BCA-1st merit list Document verification and fee payment
1st Merit List of BCA-1st Semester for session 2023-24
1st Merit List of BBA-1st Semester Session 2023-24
Admission committees for online admission form verification (Session 2023-24)
College\'s helpdesk for online admissions session 2023-24
BCA Admission Notice Session 2023-24
Regarding Subject Combination for Admission in BA-1st Year (2023-24)
Admission Notification for Academic Session 2023-24
Faculty Development Programme on ICT (04.04.2023)
World water day celebrations (22.03.2023)
Celebration of World Consumer Rights Day (15.03.2023)
International Women’s day function (13-.3-2023)
National Science Day Celebration (28th Feb. 2023)
Mathematics Day Celebration (22-12-2022)
Quiz Competition on Biodiversity
National Pollution Prevention Day session 2022-23
Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan session 2022-23
Celebrations of World Tourism Day Session 2022-23
Scholarship - Regarding correction/rectification of bank details
MCA 2nd Semester Mid Term Examination Date Session 2022-2023
MBA 2nd and 4th Semester (MST) Date Sheet Session 2022-2023
Practical Date Sheet of BCA for the session 2023-24
Time Table MA English 2nd & 4th Semester Session 2022-23
Time Table MA Pol. Science 2nd & 4th Semester Session 2022-23
Notice regarding refund of examination fee-BA Course
Notice regarding refund of examination fee-BCom Course
Regarding college prospectus for session 2023-24
Mathematics day celebration on 22-12-2022
Notice regarding registration on \"Swayam Portal\"
Notice for registration on Academic Bank of Credits Portal
Time Table - MA 2nd & 4th Semester (Economics) Session 2022-23
Absentee Fine MCom-1st semester 2022-23
Absentee Fine MA Pol. Science-3rd semester 2022-23
Absentee Fine MA Pol. Science-1st semester 2022-23
Absentee Fine MA Economics-3rd semester 2022-23
Absentee Fine MA Economics-1st semester 2022-23
MA/MCom 2nd & 4th semester admission notice for session 2022-23
Absentee fine BSc PS-3rd year 2022-23
Absentee fine BSc PS-1st year 2022-23
Absentee fine BSc LS-3rd year 2022-23
Absentee fine BCom-3rd year 2022-23
Absentee fine BCom-2nd year 2022-23
Absentee fine BCom-1st year 2022-23
Absentee fine BA-3rd year 2022-23
Absentee fine BA-2nd year 2022-23
Absentee fine BA-1st year 2022-23
International yoga day is celebrated online on June 21, 2021.
Declamation contest on 4 Sept, 2021 on the occasion of teachers day.
Regarding Road Safety Awareness Programme 2022-23
List of Prize winner for session 2022-23
Staff postion of teaching staff as on 30-06-2021
Regarding submission of scholarship forms
Merit list for the distribution of Smartphones (Session 2020-21)
TAFFES International Conference Brochure
Time table Session 2022-2023(Department of Commerce)
Time table Science Faculty for the Sesion 2022-23
Time table Art Faculty for the Sesion 2022-23
Regarding extension in UG admissions (2022-23)
Regarding MA/MCom-3rd semester admissions (2022-23)
NCC final Interview on 6th September 2022 at 10 AM
Regarding scholarship schemes (2022-23)
Regarding checking & submission of scholarship forms (2022-23)
Pending Admission Fee Recovery Notice-1(Session 2022-23)
Regarding extension in UG admissions for session 2022-23
Notice for NCC Selection on 26 August 2022
MA Pol Science 2nd Merit List (Session 2022-23)
M.A Economics merit list(2022-23)
M.A Pol Sc. merit list (2022-23)
BBA 1st 2nd Merit List(2022-23)
B.Com 1st waiting list(2022-23)
Regarding extension in admissions for session 2022-23
Scholarship (NSP) Notice for session 2022-23
Schedule for 1st Year Students
B.Com 1st Year Merit List(2022-23)
Reg. admissions in BCA/BBA/BCom-1st sem/year for session 2022-23
Regarding PG Admissions for session 2022-23
Regarding PG Admissions for session 2022-23
Admission Forms Verification Committee For Session 2022-23
Regarding admission for BA/BCom/BSc - 3rd year for session 2022-23
Regarding Subject Combination for Admission in BA-1st Year (2022-23)
Regarding admissions for session 2022-23
Souvenir cum Abstract Book -International conference on (22-23, April 2022)
Regarding submssion of documents (Session 2020) for laptop distribution
Regarding submssion of documents (Session 2019) for laptop distribution
Students List Regarding Distribution of Laptops for Year 2020
List of passout students for Annual prize distribution function 2022
Clarification regarding Kalpana Chawla Scholarship Scheme for year 2021
Admission schedule for BBA and BCA
Reg. Post Matric Scholarship Scheme( For Fresh Applicants) for session 2021-22
Regarding scholarship renewal on NSP
Contact numbers of teaching staff
Registration Form for National Conference